Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Linda Thibodeau,
Ph. D.
Linda Thibodeau is a Professor at the
University of Texas at Dallas since 1996
where she co-directs the Pediatric Aural
Habilitation Training Specialist Project.
Prior to that she worked at The University
of Texas at Austin, at the University
of Texas Speech and Hearing Institute,
in otolaryngology clinics and in the public
schools. She teaches in the areas of Amplification
and Pediatric Aural Habilitation. Her
research at the Advanced Hearing Research
Center of the Callier Center for Communication
Disorders involves evaluation of the speech
perception of listeners with hearing loss
and auditory processing problems as well
as evaluation of amplification systems
and hearing assistance technology to help
those persons.
Perhaps the most challenging
decision that a parent must make for their
child with a hearing loss is how they
will communicate. Most parents choose
a communication method that relies on
auditory input provided through some type
of amplification or alternate stimulation,
such as a cochlear implant. Research has
shown that neuronal connections are rapidly
forming during the first years of life,
so that the sooner the amplification or
cochlear implants are provided, the more
likely the child will develop normally
functioning acoustic pathways (Sininger,
Doyle, & Moore,1999). Typically hearing
aids will be the first consideration regardless
of the child’s age. Bringing sound
to the child either through amplification
or a cochlear implant will be equally
important whether the family is using
only speech to communicate or a combination
of speech and sign language.
If the child is receiving
limited benefit from hearing aids after
a four-to-six month trial and the child
is over 12 months of age, a cochlear implant
may be considered. One situation in which
cochlear implants would be recommended
without a hearing aid trial would be when
a child has suffered a hearing loss as
a result of meningitis (an infection of
the tissue linings of the brain and/or
spinal cord). Because bony growth in the
inner ear may occur after meningitis and
could affect proper insertion of the implant,
a cochlear implant may be recommended
within a few months of the child’s
recovery. During the course of the journey
parents will meet many professionals.
Among them are:
- Otologists
or Otolaryngologists—Medical doctors
who treat ear, nose and/or throat problems
and perform cochlear implant surgeries;
- Audiologists—Professionals
who fit and/or provide hearing aids,
cochlear implants and hearing assistive
technology that aid reception of sound;
- Speech-Language
Pathologists—Therapists who teach
the child and family how to develop
communication consistent with developmental
- Educators—Parent-infant
advisors who come into the home or teachers
in the classroom who facilitate early
communication, cognitive, social and
physical development; and
- Parents—Others
who have already been through many of
the challenges can often respond to
the concerns and celebrations in a context
of their own experiences.
Some or
all of these professionals will be involved
in the selection and use of the hearing
aids or cochlear implants. Therefore,
one may consider this the beginning of
a new journey with new techniques of travel
and caring hosts to meet along the way.
As with any journey, there are many decisions
to make and much information to gather
ahead of time or along the way that will
hopefully lead to not only quick but comfortable
travel. The process begins with the audiological
diagnosis followed by the selection of
each type of device. In addition to hearing
aids and cochlear implants, hearing assistive
technology will often be needed to help
compensate for reduced sound when there
is distance from the speaker or interfering
background noise.
with amplification, cochlear implants
or assistive technology will depend on
not only the expertise of the audiologists
to match the features of the technology
to the needs of the child, but also the
psychological acceptance of the devices
by the family. The introduction of technology
with a positive regard for the benefits
it can provide is critical. Depending
on the age of the child and his or her
siblings, there may be opportunities to
explain how hearing aids are needed by
some, like glasses or braces are needed
by others. When children develop a focus
that the hearing devices are tools to
access information rather than a mark
of abnormality, they’ll be establishing
a means to address challenging communication
situations with openness and assertiveness.
Because even the most sophisticated hearing
aids or cochlear implants do not restore
perfect hearing, children will need positive
coping skills in addition to the technology
to maximize communication. . . |